Everything you Need To Know About Dental Implants

Most of us don’t know much about dental implants, this article’s aim is to inform the reader about the subject topic. Surely, after reading this article, you’ll be better able to decide whether dental implants are the right choice for you. Weather you opt for an alternative or want the surgery, given no surgery is risk-free.

How a Dental Implant Functions:

A dental implant consists of metal parts inserted deep into the gums and a ceramic tooth is then placed on top of it. Dental implants are different in the sense that they are permanently fixed inside your jaw bone and feel much like natural teeth. Whether you need a single implant or multiple ones, dental implants may be a good choice for you. They are mostly recommended for teeth lost during traumatic accidents or tooth disease in which the tooth had to be replaced completely. The implant surgery is conducted in two stages; the first stage involves the patient undergoing the procedure during local anesthetic, the procedure involves cutting open the gum tissue and drilling a hole inside the gum bone. Then a metal post is inserted and the gums are stitched back together. This is done to ensure that the metal post integrated well with the surrounding bone tissue. In fact, new bone tissue will grow around the metal post and will ensure that the post becomes part of the bone tissue, making sure once the dental implant is inserted, it won’t move or dislodge. The second surgery usually takes place 3 to 8 months later. During this surgical stage, which is much shorter, the dentist will connect another metal post to the one that has been fused to the bone, this will enable the false tooth to be placed firmly in the jaw. Accordingly, if you are looking to get a Dental implants Plainfield IL, visit your local dentist to find out more.

Alternatives to Dental Implant:

Depending on your condition, your dentist may or may not recommend dental implants. However, do keep in mind that there are other forms of false teeth options, some of these include fixed bridges, removable dentures and root canal therapy. Before recommending an implant, your dentist will go over your medical history and develop a specialized plan for you, this is to make sure there are no complications during the surgery. You may also have to go undergo specialized CT scans and or X-rays to ensure that your dental surgery goes smoothly.

After the Surgery:

Once the surgery is completed, you may be required to take pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection as well as steroid to prevent inflammation. What’s more, you will be required to visit your dentist regularly for post-op checkup to ensure your surgery went according to plan.
