What To Expect On Your Child’s First Visit To The Dentist

For children, going to the dentists for the first time can be a scary experience. After all, dentists get a bad rap for no reason. However, this article Is intended to deliver a piece of mind, both for you and your child. During your first visit to the dentists for a routine examination and teeth cleaning procedure, the first thing you need to do when you step in is sign-in into the register. Next, the receptionist will give you a form to fill out, this is required to see if your child has any allergies or other medical conditions the dentist should be aware of. While your child waits, there is the option to watch cartoons or read books, what your child prefers is totally up to him or her.

Before The Procedure Could Begin:

Once your child’s turn comes, he or she will be called in the procedure room where a dental hygienist will prep your child for the cleaning procedure. This involves putting a napkin and safety glasses to protect the eyes during the procedure. Then the hygienists will turn on a bright light to see the condition of his/her teeth. Your child will be required to open wide, this can be a little scary, but assure your child that it is nothing to fear. The hygienist will use a mirror and tooth scrapper to start cleaning the teeth. This allows the hygienist to remove all the stuff that a tooth brush is not able to get off.

Cleaning Teeth With a Special Tooth Brush and Toothpaste:

Now the hygienist will use a special electric tooth brush and medical grade tooth paste to clean the teeth. The tooth brush will make a whizzing sound – assure your child that its nothing to worry about. Also, the cleaning procedure may tickle your child a little – but that is normal.

After The Cleaning Procedure:

Once the procedure is completed, the hygienist will use a small water jet to rinse off the toothpaste and a suction straw to remove the excess water, this can scare some children but as a parent, you should provide reassuring words. Next, the hygienist will floss the teeth using medical grade dental floss.

Teeth X-ray:

After the teeth, have been thoroughly cleaned, your child will undergo an x-ray of their teeth. Your child will be taken to a special X-ray room and must wear and x-ray blanket.  Your child will be required to once again open their mouth which will enable the technician to snap a more accurate x-ray image of his/her teeth. Once the X-ray comes out, it is assessed by dentists who will also do a physical exam of the teeth. Once everything checks out good, then the hygienist will apply special vitamin chemical to protect the tooth enamel. From here on, the procedure is complete. But before you leave, make sure to book your next Plainfield dental appointment with the receptionists.
